Saturday, September 29, 2012

Party review!

Hey guys, Program here! :D Okay, so Chobots hit 500 followers on facebook and decided to throw a party! It was at 21:00 (9 PM) Cho-Time in the park so if you could make it, I had fun with you, if not, there is always a next time! So those who didn't see what happened, I took a few pictures to have you guys see what you missed. There was cool quizes and contests along with awesome music, rain, and magic!

Party was here in the park! :D

One of our contests where to draw something thats spooky and related to halloween so I decided to join! Koiz was the judge and she gave me some cool stuff (in playercard)

My picture I made for the contest!

Some prizes I got are shown above along with the backround! :D

Anyways, so afterwards, we partied like crazy :D Here are some pictures!

We had a great time! Sorry if you weren't there to experience it with us! But always remember that there will be another time. Also, chobots is almost 1 year old! You never know if another party will pop up for that! :) Tune in for more updates with me! Cya around!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Animal Party!

Hey guys, Program here. Who's up for an interesting party this weekend?

Come meet us tomorrow, Sunday, at 14:00 Cho-Time in the Eco Shop.

Wear an animal mask to dress up as your favorite animal! :D

Cya there!